Bajaj Pulsar NS125 Price in India: The Bajaj Pulsar NS125 is evaluated at Rs 93,690 (ex-display area Delhi). This makes it Rs 10,701 more costly than the front plate brake-prepared variation of the Bajaj Pulsar 125 Split Seat. The cruiser is accessible in four shading plans: Beach Blue, Fiery Orange, Burnt Red, and Pewter Gray. Bajaj Pulsar NS125 Features: The Bajaj Pulsar NS125's plan is like that of the Bajaj Pulsar NS160. The bike is outfitted with a smooth halogen headlamp alongside twin pilot lights. The tail light is LED while the pointers are bulbs. The bicycle gets a similar 12-liter gas tank as the Pulsar NS160. Since it's a sub-125cc bicycle, the NS125 accompanies CBS, rather than ABS. Bajaj Pulsar NS125 Engine: Passing by how comparable the motor packaging of the Bajaj Pulsar NS125 is to the NS160, the child NS probably utilizes a vigorously tuned, scaled back adaptation of the NS160's engine. The 124.45cc single-chamber air-cooled motor accompanies an electronic carburettor to hold costs under control. It produces 11.99PS at 8500rpm and 11Nm at 7000rpm, 0.19PS and 0.2Nm more than the Pulsar 125 Split Seat's motor. The engine is mated to a 5-speed transmission and Bajaj claims an ability to-weight proportion of 83.3PS per ton. Bajaj Pulsar NS125 Suspension and Brakes: The Bajaj Pulsar NS125 is based on a border outline suspended on an adaptive front fork and a back Nitrox safeguard. The bicycle moves on 17-inch combination wheels that appear to be like the ones on the NS160. Notwithstanding, they are shod with skinnier 80-segment front and 100-area back tires from MRF. For slowing down, it utilizes a 240mm petal plate front and center and a 130mm drum at the back. The bicycle weighs in at 144kg, making it 7kg lighter than the Pulsar NS160. Bajaj Pulsar NS125 Rivals: The Bajaj Pulsar NS125 is a lot sportier option in contrast to the Bajaj Pulsar 125, the Honda SP 125, and the Hero Glamor. Further up the value section lies the KTM 125 Duke. However, the child Duke is really costly at Rs 1,60,319 (ex-display area Delhi). In case you're searching for different choices around the Pulsar NS125's value point, you could look at the Bajaj Pulsar 150 Neon and Honda Unicorn 150.